The City of Salisbury is a 4th Class City and is governed through a Mayor/Council form of government. The council meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at City Hall and meetings are open to the public. We encourage all our citizens to participate and take an active role in our community. There are many boards, commissions and organizations that are in need of qualified individuals to serve. Contact City Hall for complete details and/or to express your interest.

Steve Kacvinsky
Ward I Alderman – Ronnie Stowers
Ward I Alderman – Steve Sanders
Ward II Alderman – Melanie Latamondeer
Ward II Alderman – Ann Dotson
Ward III Alderman – Elaine Wekenborg
Ward III Alderman – Gail Zemerick
City Clerk:
Courtney Cole
Public Works & Municipal Officials:
Superintendent of City Services – Mike Humphrey
City Attorney – Randall Barron
The City Council meets the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM at City Hall.